AN240 Tick Bite Fever PROTECTION - Homeopathic Prophylactic. Deer tick (Lyme) Borrelia sp. Ixodes scapularis, Babesia gibsoni parasite, Brown Dog Tick (Ehrichiosis), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia). Protection for canines of all ages.
- Immune from Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsia, Borrelia, Babesia.
- Tick Fever & RMSF, Lyme Oral nosodes.
- Protection for all species & ages.
- Refer to AN234 -Tick Fever Remedies for infection in your pet.
Canine - Protection from Tick bites symptoms using the homeopathic tick fever oral nosodes
Rickettsial infections are caused by multiple bacteria from the order Rickettsiales and genera Rickettsia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Neorickettsia, Neoehrlichia, and Orientia Rickettsia spp. are classically divided into the spotted fever group (SFG) and the typhus group, although more recently these have been classified into as many as 4 groups.
Cat - While blood tests have shown evidence of Rickettsia rickettsii (rocky mountain spotted fever) infections in cats, RMSF is rare in felines.
Horse - Horses are diagnosed with one of two diseases spread by ticks, Equine Ehrlichiosis or “Lyme Disease.” Ehrlichia - this straight-forward infection has long been referred to as Equine Ehrlichiosis.
What is a Oral Nosode?
A nosode could be described as an "oral vaccine" in the sense that its purpose is to "immunize" the body against a specific disease. It is prepared from the actual organism which is associated with the disease in question and may derive from filtrates containing only the exotoxins of the bacteria, or from emulsions containing both bacteria and their toxins. These filtrates are then potentised a million times to produce the energy only of the disease and this energy stimulates the entire natural immune system to react against a specific disease, so this becomes an oral vaccine for humans as well as pets.
General nosode prescription dosing protocol:
One dose once a day for four days
One dose once a week for 4 weeks
One dose once, per month for 4 months
Then booster of one dose once per year for four years, then no more needed thereafter.
Use a dose once a week, in food and water dish.
Ongoing until tick season has finished or continue dosing weekly if all year-round tick problem.
For dog shelters: can add “a dose” to approx. 500ml—1 litre bottle of filtered water and succuss (gently bang for 1 minutes on the table). Use a capful or more—as one dose. Remake each month, as it goes off.
Non-Drug "Protection " for Puppies to Adult dogs.
HAMPL Tick Bite Fever Oral Nosode 240 30ml (1oz) drops * larger bottle on request
Contains homeopathic nosode: Brown dog tick (Ehrlichiosis), Rocky Mountain Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii), Borrelia (Lyme), Babesia gibsoni Oral Nosode 30C, 200C.
Refer to the supplied: " Canine Oral Nosode Certificate" supplied together with this product for dosing protocol. Easy dosing on body or in food. One 30ml bottle will help many pets.
In High-Risk Areas and Shelters
Use a dose once a week, in food and water dish. Ongoing until tick season has finished or continue dosing weekly if all year round tick problem.
Dog Shelter
For dog shelters: can add “a dose” to approx. 500ml—1 liter bottle of filtered water and succuss (gently bang for 1 minute on the table).
Use a capful or more—as one dose. Remake each month, as it goes off.
Multiple Pets
A 30ml bottle will cover many dogs, so one bottle should be enough. What I would do is stir in several drops into half a cup of filtered water, then oral dose 1ml orally for larger animals as one dose and add a teaspoon of the liquid to your pet's meal. Repeat dosage program will be on the bottle label as well.