AN177 Herbal - CANINE Heartworm - a non chemical effective & proven potent. Natural Solution (small - medium to large dogs)
- Heartworm positive dog or prevent.
- Maintaining Health from Heartworm in dogs.
- All ages and conditions can maintain health naturally.
All the natural products that HAMPL offer are safe and effective non-drug alternative prescription to the mainstream poisonous products ..... such as chemical Flea Control, Heartworm Protection, Intestinal Wormers.
Which are advertised and sold under the names of Frontline Plus, Advocate, Advantix, Revolution, Sentinel Spectrum, Advantage, Drontal, Capstar, Heartgard, Interceptor Spectrum, Nexgard Spectra, Bravecto, Nexgard. Simparica, Seresto collar, Frontline spray.
Here we have a herbal combination with the homeopathic heartworm nosode for maintaining and restoring health from having a "Heartworm positive" dog. Use as "prevention" is also popular. Did you know that Heartworm very rarely does it affect a cat or other animals.
Safe non-chemical - HEARTWORM - Options.
(a) Heartworm "POSITIVE" in your Canine?
Clear the heartworm with HERBAL HEARTWORM - TREATMENT
a dose (according to size and age of pet) drops which are on the Label of the Bottle.
You can the drops twice daily in a small amount of food or some tasty liquid oral syringe (or hand feed) for 6 weeks to kill the worm. Continue dosing for 16-32 weeks.
As the antigen will remain in the system for 4 to 5 months after the death of worm, so please continue dosing for 16 to 32 weeks - at one dose daily. All ages and stages. No side effects at all, as totally chemical free, you will only see improvement.
Signs of heartworm disease may include a mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue after moderate activity, decreased appetite, and weight loss.
~ Further information the downloadable Pdf HELP SHEET(beside the product) to also support lungs with homeopathic drops and vitamin and minerals specifically to help heart and lung function with your dog.
Apply a 3 - 4 drops on the body (e.g top of head to reach the skin)
Repeat twice a day for three months. After two months, ask your vet to run an occult heartworm test twice a month to monitor your dog's progress. It may take two to five months for testing to show as negative but D. Khalsa has had great success with it.
No matter how old or advanced stage with heartworm infestation it is still never too late or risks to help maintain health in your dog. For Pregnant or Nursing female dogs this herbal formula might be okay in very small doses, which is what we prescribe already. However, the BWH is contraindicated in human pregnancy (can be a uterine stimulant).
~ Puppies over 3 months are fine to use but under this age (infant puppies) it would be too astringent. So for infants, our Herbalist would prescribe the homeopathic formula HAMPL HeartWorm 293 100ml * Refer to Bottle Label for dosage instructions.
Are you treating a dog with Heartworm with herbs already?
You need to do a blood test to see if still heartworm positive. Having a Xray isnt how to retest to see if heartworm positive still.
If your vet did only did a Xray of heart saying it is more enlarged or enlarged, then a enlarged heart is from Heart Condition which happens as a dog ages. Or aftermath of damage from clearing heartworm.
After getting rid of heartworm in your dog the Heartworm Infection can causes lasting damage to the heart, lungs and arteries, and can affect the dog’s health and quality of life long after the parasites are gone.
HAMPL Heart Worm Free 177 200ml * liquid herbs
Contains herbal and homeopathic formula of the herbal concentrate of : Black.w.hull, Hawthorn berries herb, HAMPL Heart Worm 298 formula. With homeopathic Ars Alb with the nosode "Heart worm" (difofilaria immitis) in a 6C, 200C.
E.g. Black walnut – kills parasites by oxygenating the blood. It also burns up toxins and fatty matter. It is also able to balance sugar levels. MUST DILUTE first. Adding suggest the number of drops in some food before giving one dose. Hand feed or just add to the main meals.
It is important to understand that even though a heart worm can be dead, it takes upwards of 6 weeks or longer (after completion of the second cycle) for a dog to test “negative” for heart worms.
Dead worm segments take a long time to internally emulsify via a canine’s lungs. Therefore: a dog can still show antigen response-hence a positive result if re-testing too soon - and can even have him or her re-visit intermittent coughing spells due to the temporary lung congestion (this can happen regardless of the pet having ever coughed, to begin with).
* If a cough is frequent, then please contact us to provide a homeopathic remedy to assist with this or order HAMPL Cough Congestion 129-1 30ml which is a easy dosing on body homeopathic treatment.
Weak Heart - in older dog
We have some middle age older dogs that seem to have a undetected heart condition as well. If you notice your dog is doing well on heart worm treatments for heart worm positive, but still struggle or later following years coughing and lethargic - starts, then we believe a natural supportive heart formula will boost the heart function naturally. As the Heart Worm herbs 177 has some heart support (hawthorn berries herb), but your older pet maybe needing a more specific heart muscle function support (AN022 Congestive Heart Set) or even mitral valve insufficiency which can be often overlooked when at the Vets.
e.g. Set of 2 AN305
1. HAMPL "Acute" Mitral Regurgitation 305-1 30ml
2. HAMPL Mitral Heart Valve Health 305-2 50ml
This occurrence is the very reason why it’s important to keep a dog from excitement as best as possible throughout the entire treatment process and upwards of 8 weeks post-treatment - so dead or dying worms do not lodge in an artery thereby causing pulmonary embolism (blockage of blood flow in one or more arteries by the worm segment which can cause death).
The huge benefit your pet receives by way of taking the natural (three months) approach is that the chances of having an embolism occur are much less likely than the conventional treatment route.
Since that route is designed to kill the heart worms in days, not months.
So we are talking a full 4-5 month time span from the start of our regimen until we should be retesting them. If your pet proves positive at that time (which is unlikely), we repeat just one more cycle shown above.